With one month to go

1) I'm about to start Act II of the script; my mode of working seems to be: scribble on a notepad in a cafe, and transcribe when I get home. I can't seem to write directly on the computer; something about the white screen makes my writing muscle seize up completely.

...I just realized this doesn't happen (a lot) when I'm in the newsroom. Bizarre.

2) The whole online LGBT video idea has to be shelved. It's a pity, because I found a user-created Wordpress template that fits my needs perfectly. But what with the YouTube crackdown, a lot of the videos have been disappearing, and I don't want to create a website where the links are likely to die.

3) I'm quite happy with the amount of reading I've done, even if some of the books have titles like "Sophie Pitt-Turnbull Discovers America". I think my favourite new discovery is Scott Westerfeld; I've read three books by him now, and they've all been fun. He's a bit like John Scalzi (and the two are friends, which doesn't surprise me), and I highly recommend "So Yesterday", which is a standalone novel.


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