Procrastination, yay!

This is bad. I have two more exams (one less by this time tomorrow), and twenty pages of script to write, but I already feel like the semester has ended.

When I was supposed to be reading for the exam yesterday, I ended up:

** watching nine YouTube episodes of a German soap opera;

** Image-Googling one of the actors in the German soap opera;

** discovering that the only picture big enough to serve as a desktop picture was on the actor's own website;

** discovering that the picture was un-saveable due to some weird format;

** going back to YouTube, whereupon this taught me how to snapshot anything on your computer screen;

** discovering that the dimensions of the picture would make it look funny on my desktop if I stretched it;

** wishing I had Photoshop;

** discovering a knock-off version called GIMP online (along with 19 other cool - and free - apps);

** GIMPing the hell out of the image so it would look nice on my desktop;

** patting myself on the back for what a good job I did transforming my desktop;

During all of which, no reading was accomplished. Altogether now, wah Wah WAH...


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