I'm not working at SPH for the summer, and I can't return to the U.S. until first week of August due to a visa snafu, so I'm effectively stranded in Singapore / Anywhere But U.S. for the next two months.
I can foresee myself going stir-crazy, so I've decided my plans for the summer will be:
1) To finish the story I'm working on.
2) To finish a script so I won't have to stress about it in the fall semester.
3) To build a website. I have specific ideas about pages, content, etc; I need to figure out how to actually build it.
4) Compile a database of names for use when I start working at SPH.
I don't think that's too much / little, but I guess we'll see.
Seriously. Why are these shows on Arts Central instead of Ch. 5:
Before Sunset tonight; Battlestar: Galactica on Tuesdays.
I went to see Prince Caspian today. I don't think it's a particularly memorable film (certainly not on the order of LotR), but I wasn't bored or annoyed, so that's a vast improvement over the first installment. Perhaps I wasn't either because Peter doesn't get as much screen-time this go-around; the character still annoys the hell out of me.
In any case, even if the movie had sucked, what happened after would have made it worth the price of admission. Once the credits started rolling, some guy got in front of the screen and started shouting over the end-credits orchestra. I thought at first that he was asking people to stay for a secret scene or something, but nope. Guess what he was doing.
Yep. Proselytizing.
Which, you know, way to go, I guess, and I suppose he must have thought he would have a sympathetic audience, it being C.S. Lewis and all that, but - New York. I'm just saying. Miiiight have picked a better state.
Question: Explain how XYZ's background as a Jesuit philosopher contributed to his views on science.
My Brain: WTF is a Jesuit?
*** Yes, I do know what a Jesuit is, NOW.
I really, really, really hate exams. I just don't understand the point of them: what do they test except speed of writing and ability to retain page numbers?
On a more personal level, I also hate them because I honestly have no clue whether I'm doing them right or not. Even when I ace questions it seems more fluke-y than actually earned, and that's only slightly better than not doing well.
Gah. Hate. Hate hate hate hate hate hate...
This is bad. I have two more exams (one less by this time tomorrow), and twenty pages of script to write, but I already feel like the semester has ended.
When I was supposed to be reading for the exam yesterday, I ended up:
** watching nine YouTube episodes of a German soap opera;
** Image-Googling one of the actors in the German soap opera;
** discovering that the only picture big enough to serve as a desktop picture was on the actor's own website;
** discovering that the picture was un-saveable due to some weird format;
** going back to YouTube, whereupon this taught me how to snapshot anything on your computer screen;
** discovering that the dimensions of the picture would make it look funny on my desktop if I stretched it;
** wishing I had Photoshop;
** discovering a knock-off version called GIMP online (along with 19 other cool - and free - apps);
** GIMPing the hell out of the image so it would look nice on my desktop;
** patting myself on the back for what a good job I did transforming my desktop;
During all of which, no reading was accomplished. Altogether now, wah Wah WAH...
Finally got my speakers yesterday, so I once again have a fully functioning television. And the first thing I did after connecting all the wires was watch Maurice again.
It was not only as good as I remembered it, it was better. I honestly think I will love this movie forever.