All but one

I really have a good feeling about this semester.

It's not only because I will be interning at Tor, a fairly reputable science fiction and fantasy publisher.

And it's not only because I'll finally have my own place, a two-bedroomer for the price of one. The extra bedroom is used as a crash pad, so the whole place is really effectively mine.

And it's not only because I look tonnes better now, and have finally started to fit my clothes better. Although I have to say that both have helped - a lot.

It's mostly that because of all these reasons, and a hundred other little ones, I finally feel like something is happening.

The only snag in the thing, of course, is that I can't seem to write the app. I need to get 2,500 words to send with the East Anglia application, and I can't seem to get into my character's head. I need a change of scene, I think, and maybe write a different chapter.


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